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Questioner: Thank you. Then we’re expecting, in Card Number Four, to see the result of catalytic action and, therefore, a greater definition between the dark and the light areas. In this card we notice that it is more definitely darkly colored in some areas and more white in others in a general sense than Card Number Three, indicating to me that the separation along the two biases has occurred, and should occur, to follow the blueprint for experience. Could Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. You are perceptive, O student.

Questioner: Nine archetypes, I will guess that those nine were three of mind, three of body, and three of spirit. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Now we are getting to what I was trying to determine. Then at this point were there still only nine archetypes and the veil had just been drawn between the Matrix and Potentiator?

Ra: I am Ra. There were nine archetypes and many shadows.

Questioner: In Archetype Number One, represented by tarot card number one, the Matrix of the Mind seems to me to have four basic parts to the complex. Looking at the card we have, first and most obvious, the Magician as a part, and what seems to be an approaching star. A stork or similar bird seems to be in a cage. On top of the cage we have something that is very difficult to discern. Am I in any way correct in this analysis?

Ra: I am Ra. You are competent at viewing pictures. You have not yet grasped the nature of the Matrix of the Mind as fully as is reliably possible upon contemplation. We would note that the representations drawn by priests were somewhat distorted by acquaintance with and dependence upon the astrologically based teachings of the Chaldees.

Questioner: Is the Council of Nine the same nine that was mentioned in this book? [Questioner gestures to Uri.]

Ra: I am Ra. The Council of Nine has been retained in semi-undistorted form by two main sources, that known in your naming, as Mark and that known in your naming as Henry. In one case, the channel became the scribe. In the other, the channel was not the scribe. However, without the aid of the scribe, the energy would not have come to the channel.

Questioner: Card Number Three. We will remove all of the letters, etc., and the stars and I assume that it would be advisable to remove all these little cups around the outside of the rays representing the sun. Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

Questioner: I see. “The Nine” describe themselves as the “nine principals of God.”* Can you tell me what they mean by that?

Ra: I am Ra. This is also a veiled statement. The attempt is made to indicate that the nine who sit upon the Council are those representing the Creator, the One Creator, just as there may be nine witnesses in a courtroom testifying for one defendant. The term principal has this meaning also.

The desire of the scribe may be seen in much of this material to have affected the manner of its presentation just as the abilities and preferences of this group determine the nature of this contact. The difference lies in the fact that we are as we are. Thus we may either speak as we will or not speak at all. This demands a very tuned, shall we say, group.

Questioner: I am assuming that the skirt is skewed to the left for the same reason that it is in Card Number Four, indicating the distance service-to-self polarized entities keep from others, and I am also assuming that the face is turned to the left for the same reason that it is in Card Number Five, because of the nature of catalyst. Is this roughly correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Please expel breath over the breast of the instrument from right to left.

[This was done as directed.]

I am Ra. That is well.

Your previous supposition is indeed roughly correct. We might also note that we, in forming the original images for your peoples, were using the cultural commonplaces of artistic expression of those in Egypt. The face is drawn to the side most often, as are the feet turned. We made use of this and, thus, wish to soften the significance of the side-long look. In no case thus far in these deliberations, however, has any misinterpretation or unsuitable interpretation been drawn.

Questioner: I planned to re-draw the tarot cards eliminating extraneous additions by those who came after Ra’s initial giving and I would like quickly to go through those things that I intend to eliminate from each card we’ve gone over and ask Ra if there is anything else that should be eliminated to make the cards as they were when they were originally drawn, before the astrological and other appendages were added.

I would eliminate all of the letters around the edge of the card with the possible exception of the number of the card— one, two, three, etc. That would be the case for all of the cards, I think— the exterior lettering and numbering.

In Card Number One I would eliminate the star at the upper right hand corner; eliminate the wand in the Magician’s hand. I understand that the sphere remains but I am not really sure where it should be. Would Ra comment on that please?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, the elimination of letters is acceptable. Secondly, the elimination of stars is acceptable in all cases. Thirdly, the elimination of the wand is appropriate. Fourthly, the sphere may be seen to be held by the thumb and index and second finger.

Fifthly, we would note that it is not possible to offer what you may call a pure deck, if you would use this term, of tarot due to the fact that when these images were first drawn there was already distortion in various and sundry ways, mostly cultural.

Sixthly, although it is good to view the images without the astrological additions, it is to be noted that the more general positions, phases, and characteristics of each concept complex are those which are significant. The removal of all distortion is unlikely and, to a great extent, unimportant.

Questioner: I was afraid that you would say that. Am I correct in assuming that this is the same type of communication as depicted in Card Number Three in the Catalyst of the Mind?

Ra: I am Ra. We may not comment due to the Law of Confusion. There is an acceptable degree of confirmation of items known, but when the recognized subjective sigil* is waived and the message not clear, then it is that we must remain silent.

Questioner: The bird in Card Three seems to be now internalized in the center of the entity in Card Four in that it has changed from the… The flight then has achieved its objective and become a part of, a central part of, the experience. Could Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. This perception is correct, O student, but what shall the student find the bird to signify?

Questioner: Then would nine planets and our sun we have here in our system, would you refer to that as a solar galaxy?

Ra: We would not.

Questioner: I was also wondering if three was the minimum number necessary for this type of working? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. For protection of this instrument this is necessary as the minimum grouping and also as the most efficient number due to the exceptional harmony in this group. In other groups the number could be larger, but we have observed in this contact that the most efficient support is given by the individual mind/body/spirits present at this time.

Questioner: How many of them are incarnate on Earth now?

Ra: I am Ra. The number is approximate due to an heavy influx of those birthed at this time due to an intensive need to lighten the planetary vibration and thus aid in harvest. The number approaches sixty-five million.

Questioner: I’ll have to think about that one. Unless… I’ll come back to that.

We were thinking of replacing the sword in the right hand with the magical sphere and a downward scepter in the left hand, similar to Card Five, the Significator, as more appropriate for this card. Would Ra comment on that, please?

Ra: I am Ra. This is quite acceptable, especially if the sphere may be imaged as spherical and effulgent*.

Questioner: I have a question here, I believe, about that Council from Jim. Who are the members, and how does the Council function?

Ra: I am Ra. The members of the Council are representatives from the Confederation and from those vibratory levels of your inner planes bearing responsibility for your third density. The names are not important because there are no names. Your mind/body/spirit complexes request names and so, in many cases, the vibratory sound complexes which are consonant with the vibratory distortions of each entity are used. However, the name concept is not part of the Council. If names are requested, we will attempt them. However, not all have chosen names.

In number, the Council that sits in constant session, though varying in its members by means of balancing, which takes place, what you would call irregularly, is nine. That is the Session Council. To back up this Council, there are twenty-four entities which offer their services as requested. These entities faithfully watch and have been called the Guardians.

The Council operates by means of, what you would call, telepathic contact with the oneness or unity of the nine, the distortions blending harmoniously so that the Law of One prevails with ease. When a need for thought is present, the Council retains the distortion-complex of this need, balancing it as described, and then recommends what it considers as appropriate action. This includes: One, the duty of admitting social memory complexes to the Confederation; Two, offering aid to those who are unsure how to aid the social memory complex requesting aid in a way consonant with both the call, the Law, and the number of those calling (that is to say, sometimes the resistance of the call); Three, internal questions in the Council are determined.

These are the prominent duties of the Council. They are, if in any doubt, able to contact the twenty-four who then offer consensus/judgment/thinking to the Council. The Council then may reconsider any question.

Questioner: Thank you. Could you tell me of the number of possible energy transfers between two or more mind/body/spirit complexes. Is it very large, or are there few [inaudible]?

Ra: I am Ra. The number is infinite, for is not each mind/body/spirit complex unique?

Questioner: I’ve been doing some consideration of the appearance of the hawk and have made this analysis of the bird in Card Three. The bird is a message from the higher self, and the position of the wings in Card Three, one wing pointing toward the female, indicates that it is a message to the female acting as catalyst for the mind. The position of the downward wing indicates that the message is of a negative or of a nature indicating the inappropriateness of certain mental activity or plan. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

Questioner: What is the largest number of archetypes, to Ra’s knowledge, used by a Logos?

Ra: I am Ra. The sevens plus The Choice is the greatest number which has been used, by our knowledge, by Logoi. It is the result of many, many previous experiments in articulation of the One Creator.

Questioner: Thank you. Prior to the experiment to extend the first distortion how many archetypes were there for the creation of the Logos of that time?

Ra: I am Ra. There were nine.

Questioner: The eight cartouches* at the bottom would possibly signify the energy centers and the evolution through those centers… possibility for either the positive or negative polarization because of the white and black coloration of the figures. Would Ra comment on that after making the instrument cough?

Ra: [Cough.] I am Ra. The observations of the student are perceptive. It is informative to continue the study of octaves in association with this concept complex. Many are the octaves of a mind/body/spirit complex’s beingness. There is not one that does not profit from being pondered in connection with the considerations of the nature of the development of polarity exemplified by the concept complex of your Card Number Five.

Questioner: Was the reason that “The Nine” transmitted this principle in this form the… was the reason for this the first distortion?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect.

Questioner: It would seem to me that from the configuration of this male entity in Card Four, who looks to the left and the right foot is pointed to the left, that this card would indicate that you must be in a defensive position with respect to the left-hand path, with no need to concern yourself about protection with respect to the right-hand path. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. Again, this is not the suggestion we wished to offer by constructing this image. However, the perception cannot be said to be incorrect.

Questioner: Are there any other additions to Card Number One other than the star that are of other than the basic archetypical aspects?

Ra: I am Ra. There are details of each image seen through the cultural eye of the time of inscription. This is to be expected. Therefore, when viewing the, shall we say, Egyptian costumes and systems of mythology used in the images it is far better to penetrate to the heart of the costumes’ significance or the creatures’ significance rather than clinging to a culture which is not your own.

In each entity the image will resonate slightly differently. Therefore, there is the desire upon Ra’s part to allow for the creative envisioning of each archetype using general guidelines rather than specific and limiting definitions.

Questioner: Thank you. Card Number Five, the Significator of the Mind, indicates, firstly, as I see it, simply a male within a rectangularly structured form. This suggests to me that the Significator of the Mind in third density is well-bounded within the illusion, as is also suggested by the fact that the base of the male is a rectangular form showing no ability for movement. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. O student, you have grasped the barest essence of the nature of the Significator’s complete envelopment within the rectangle. Consider for the self, O student, whether your thoughts can walk. The abilities of the most finely honed mentality shall not be known without the use of the physical vehicle which you call the body. Through the mouth the mind may speak. Through the limbs the mind may effect action.

Questioner: About how many people populated the Earth totally at that time; that is, incarnated in the physical at any one time?

Ra: I am Ra. I am assuming that you intend to query regarding the number of incarnate mind/body/spirit complexes at the end of the second major cycle, this number being approximately three four five, oh oh oh, three hundred forty-five thousand [345,000] entities.

Questioner: Then we won’t question on it.

I would like to ask first about a mistake I believe that I might have made in the last session* on the number of Wanderers on earth today. Did I make an error?

Ra: I am Ra. You and Ra made an error. The appropriate number of your ciphers* is one less than previously stated.

Questioner: The entity of Card Four wears a strangely shaped skirt. Is there a significance to the shape of this skirt?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

Questioner: In that case I have a few questions on Card Seven in order to finish off our first run-through of the archetypes of the mind. There is a T with two right angles above it on the chest of the entity in Card Seven. We have guessed that the lower T has to do with the possibility of choosing either path in the transformation and the upper two angles representing the great way of the left or the right-hand path in a mental transformation that makes the change from space/time into time/space, you might say. This is difficult to express. Is there anything correct [chuckle] in this guess?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

Questioner: Experience is seated on the square of the material illusion which is colored much darker than in Card Number Three. However, there is a cat inside this. I am guessing that as experience is gained the second-density nature of the illusion is understood and the negative and positive aspects are separated. Would Ra comment on this?

Ra: I am Ra. This interpretation varies markedly from Ra’s intention. We direct the attention to the cultural meaning of the great cat which guards. What, O student, does it guard? And with what oriflamme* does it lighten that darkness of manifestation? The polarities are, indeed, present; the separation nonexistent except through the sifting which is the result of cumulative experience. Other impressions were intended by this configuration of the seated image with its milk-white leg and its pointed foot.

Questioner: You stated that you were called by 352,000 Earth entities. Does this mean that this number is the number who will understand and accept the Law of One? Am I correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We cannot estimate the correctness of your statement for those who call are not in every case able to understand the answer to their calling. Moreover, those who were not calling previously may, with great trauma, discover the answers to the call nearly simultaneously with their late call. There is no time/space in call. Therefore, we cannot estimate the number of your mind/body/spirit complexes which will, in your space/time continuum distortion, hear and understand.

Questioner: I didn’t think we could ever remove all distortion but some of this is very difficult to interpret because of the quality of the drawing, and as we go through these cards we get [a] better idea of what some of these things are and how they should be drawn, and I think that we can improve greatly on the quality of the card and also remove some of the extraneous material that is misleading.

On the second card, in addition to removing the letters and stars, I assume we should, at the center of the female form here, where something that looks a little like a crux ansata is, we should change that. Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We perceive an incomplete query. Please re-question.

Questioner: The most startling information that you’ve given me, which I must admit I’m having difficulty believing, is that [the] United States has 573 craft like you describe. How many people in our government are aware that we have these… how many total people of United States designation are aware of this, including those who operate the craft?

Ra: I am Ra. The number of your peoples varies, for there are needs to communicate at this particular time/space nexus so that the number is expanding at this time. The approximate number is one five oh oh [1,500]. It is only approximate for as your illusory time/space continuum moves from present to present at this nexus many are learning.

Questioner: Could you tell me how that works?

Ra: I am Ra. The closest analogy would be a random number generator within certain limits.

Questioner: Thank you. As soon as the third density started 75,000 years ago and we have incarnate third-density entities, what was the average human life span at that time?

Ra: I am Ra. At the beginning of this particular portion of your space/time continuum the average lifetime was approximately nine hundred of your years.

Questioner: You spoke of the South American group that was harvestable at the end of the second cycle. How long was their average life span at the end of the second cycle?

Ra: I am Ra. This isolated group had achieved life spans stretching upwards towards the nine-hundred-year [900-year] life span appropriate to this density.

Questioner: The magical shape is on the right edge of the card indicating to me that the spiritual significance is on the right edge of the card, indicating to me that the spiritual experience would be the right-hand path. Could Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes. The figure is expressing the nature of experience by having its attention caught by what may be termed the left-hand catalyst. Meanwhile, the power, the magic, is available upon the right-hand path.

The nature of experience is such that the attention shall be constantly given varieties of experience. Those that are presumed to be negative, or interpreted as negative, may seem in abundance. It is a great challenge to take catalyst and devise the magical, positive experience. That which is magical in the negative experience is much longer coming, shall we say, in the third density.

Questioner: Well, then if an entity is harvested into fourth density with a grade, let’s say, of fifty-one percent for others, forty-nine percent for self, what level of the fourth density would he go into? I’m assuming there are different levels of the fourth density.

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. Each enters the sub-density which vibrates in accordance with the entity’s understanding.

Questioner: With such a large number of planets in this galaxy, I was wondering if— you say there are approximately five hundred Confederation planets. That seems to me to be a relatively small percentage of the total number of fourth- and fifth-density planets around. Is there any reason for this relatively small percentage in this Confederation?

Ra: I am Ra. There are many Confederations. This Confederation works with the planetary spheres of seven of your galaxies, if you will, and is responsible for the callings of the densities of these galaxies.

Questioner: Would there be two more appropriate objects or symbols to have the entity in Card Seven holding in its hands, other than the ones shown?

Ra: I am Ra. We leave this consideration to you, O student, and shall comment upon any observation which you may make.

Questioner: Does this account for what we call the “UFO Flaps” where a large number of UFOs show up like in 1973?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Does that number include the harvestable third density who are coming to this planet for the fourth-density experience?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

Questioner: Are there any items in the first four cards not of Ra’s intention that we could remove to present a less confusing card as we make our new drawings?

Ra: I am Ra. We find much material in this query which would constitute repetition. May we suggest rephrasing the query?

Questioner: Something occurred to me. I am going to make a guess that my illness over the past week was a function of some action by my higher self to eliminate the possibility of a residence in the proximity of the large number of bees that I observed. Would Ra comment on my statement?

Ra: I am Ra. We can comment, not upon the questioner’s physical distortions but upon the indubitable truth of second-density hive creatures; that is, that a hive mentality as a whole can be influenced by one strong metaphysical impulse. Both the instrument and the scribe have the capacity for great distortions toward nonviability, given such an attack by a great number of the stinging insects.

Questioner: I will then continue now with the general questioning, attempting to find a way into a line of questioning which will get us into an area of understanding non-transient functions which may be worked upon by us and others to raise our consciousness and I may make several mistakes here in trying to find a way into this questioning. I apologize in advance if my questioning is misleading. I notice that everything seems… or most of the basic things seem to be divided into units which total seven. In looking at a transcript by Henry Puharich from “The Nine” I found a statement by The Nine where they say, “If we get seven times the electrical equivalent of the human body then it would result in sevenon of the mass of electricity.” Could you explain this?

Ra: I am Ra. To explain this is beyond the abilities of your language. We shall, however, make an attempt to address this concept.

As you are aware, in the beginning of the creations set up by each Logos, there are created the complete potentials, both electrical, in the sense of the one you call Larson, and metaphysical. This metaphysical electricity is as important in the understanding, shall we say, of this statement as is the concept of electricity.

This concept, as you are aware, deals with potentiated energy. The electron has been said to have no mass but only a field. Others claim a mass of infinitesimal measure. Both are correct. The true mass of the potentiated energy is the strength of the field. This is also true metaphysically.

However, in your present physical system of knowledge it is useful to take the mass number of the electron in order to do work that you may find solutions to other questions about the physical universe. In such a way, you may conveniently consider each density of being to have a greater and greater spiritual mass. The mass increases, shall we say, significantly but not greatly until the gateway density. In this density the summing up, the looking backwards— in short, all the useful functions of polarity have been used. Therefore, the metaphysical electrical nature of the individual grows greater and greater in spiritual mass.

For an analog one may observe the work of the one known as Albert who posits the growing to infinity of mass as this mass approaches the speed of light. Thus the seventh-density being, the completed being, the Creator who knows Itself, accumulates mass and compacts into the One Creator once again.

Questioner: I would guess that the bird signifies that a communication that comes as catalyst signified in Card Three is accepted by the female and used becomes a portion of the experience. I’m not sure of that at all. Am I in any way correct?

Ra: I am Ra. That bears little of sense.

Questioner: Approximately how many were harvestable out of the total number?

Ra: I am Ra. There were approximately one hundred fifty [150] entities harvestable.

Questioner: In Card Three the feet of the female entity are upon the unstable platform, signifying dual polarity by its color. In Card Four one foot, pointed, indicates that if the male entity stands on the toe it would be carefully balanced. The other foot is pointed to the left. Would Ra comment on my observation that if the entity stands on this foot it will be very, very carefully balanced?

Ra: I am Ra. This is an important perception, for it is a key to not only this concept complex but to others as well. You may see the T-square which, at times riven* as is one foot from secure fundament by the nature of experience yet still by this same nature of experience, is carefully, precisely, and architecturally placed in the foundation of this concept complex and, indeed, in the archetypical mind complex. Experience* has the nature of more effectively and poignantly expressing the architecture of experience, both the fragility of structure and the surety of structure.

Questioner: How many levels do we have here in the third density at this time?

Ra: I am Ra. The third density has an infinite number of levels.

Questioner: In Card Number Four we will remove the letters around the outside and all of the stars and it seems that again we have a situation of removing the wand and putting the sphere in the hand. Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. Again, this is a matter of choice. Though astrological in nature, this particular scepter has possibilities of relevancy in the originally intended concept complex.

This instrument is experiencing some small lack of that distortion which you call the proper breathing due to the experience of your near past, as you perceive it. Therefore, as this instrument has requested a substantial enough amount of transferred energy to be retained that it might effect a comfortable re-entry, we shall at this time ask for one more query, after noting the following.

We did not complete our statement upon the dimensions of the crux ansata. It is given in many places. There are decisions to be made as to which drawing of this image is the appropriate one. We may, of course, suggest viewing the so-called Great Pyramid if the puzzle is desired. We do not wish to work this puzzle. It was designed in order that in its own time it be deciphered. In general, of course, this image has the meaning previously stated.

Questioner: Thank you. Can you tell me— can you interpret a transmission from “The Nine,” where they say “CH is a principle which is the revealing principle of knowledge and law?” Can you tell me what that principle is?

Ra: I am Ra. The principle so veiled in that statement is but the simple principle of the constant or Creator and the transient or the incarnate being and the yearning existing between the two, one for the other, in love and light amidst the distortions of free will acting upon the illusion-bound entity.

Questioner: The bird is within a circle on the front of the entity in Card Four. Would that have the same significance as the circular part of the crux ansata?

Ra: I am Ra. It is a specialized form of this meaningful shape. It is specialized in great part due to the nature of the crossed legs of manifestation which we have previously discussed.

Questioner: Card #2, the Potentiator of the Mind: we see a female sitting on a rectangular block. She is veiled and between two pillars which seem to be identically covered with drawings but one much darker than the other. I am assuming that the veil represents the veil between the conscious and subconscious or Matrix and Potentiator. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is quite correct.

Questioner: Approximately how many are here now who have come from other planets third density harvestable for fourth-density experience?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a recent, shall we say, phenomenon and the number is not yet in excess of 35,000 entities.

Questioner: Does Ra have any knowledge of the number of previous octaves; and if so, how many?

Ra: I am Ra. As far as we are aware we are in an infinite creation. There is no counting.

Questioner: Are you saying then there are an infinite number of octaves of densities one through eight?

Ra: I am Ra. We wish to establish that we are truly humble messengers of the Law of One. We can speak to you of our experiences and our understandings and teach/learn in limited ways. However, we cannot speak in firm knowledge of all the creations. We know only that they are infinite. We assume an infinite number of octaves.

However, it has been impressed upon us by our own teachers that there is a mystery-clad unity of creation in which all consciousness periodically coalesces and again begins. Thus we can only say we assume an infinite progression though we understand it to be cyclical in nature and, as we have said, clad in mystery.

Questioner: Thank you. We will probably return to this card next session for more of an observation after we study Ra’s comments. To conserve and efficiently use the time at this time I will make some notes with respect to Card Seven.

First, the veil between the conscious and the unconscious mind has been removed. The veil is the curtain, I would assume, at the top which is lifted. Even though this veil has been removed perception of intelligent infinity is still distorted according to the seeker’s beliefs and means of seeking. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. As one observes the veil of the image of the Great Way of Mind it may be helpful to ideate using the framework of environment. The Great Way of Mind, Body, or Spirit is intended to limn* the milieu within which the work of mind, body, or spirit shall be placed.

Thusly, the veil is shown both somewhat lifted and still present, since the work of mind and its transformation involves progressive lifting of the great veil betwixt conscious and deep minds. The complete success of this attempt is not properly a portion of third-density work and, more especially, third-density mental processes.

Questioner: OK. Now, was then this simple experiment carried out and the product of this experiment observed before greater complexity was attempted?

Ra: I am Ra. As we have said there have been a great number of successive experiments.

Questioner: [Inaudible] use an example. If ten, only ten, entities on earth required your services how would you compute their call using this square rule?

Ra: We would square one ten sequential times, raising the number to the tenth square.

Questioner: For the condition of the meeting after the veiling process, either entity will choose, as a function of its previous biases or shall I say, will choose as a function of Card Four, the Experience, the way in which it will approach or handle the situation with respect to polarity, therefore producing, most probably, more catalyst for itself along the chosen path of polarization. Would Ra comment on that statement?

Ra: I am Ra. This statement is correct.

Questioner: A very small number. Then as the next cycle started… are these the entities then that stayed to work on the planet?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities were visited by the Confederation and became desirous of remaining in order to aid the planetary consciousness. This is correct.

Questioner: How many of these craft does the United States have?

Ra: I am Ra. The United States has five hundred seven three, five seven three [573] at this time. They are in the process of adding to this number.

Questioner: Do these beings then evolve from second density to third density?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct, although no guarantee can be made of the number of cycles it will take an entity to learn the lessons of consciousness of self which are the prerequisite for transition to third density.

Questioner: Sorry, I didn’t understand exactly what you meant with respect to that. Would it be appropriate then for me to answer the questions with respect to what I think is the meaning of the three items that you spoke of for Card One and then Card Eight, etc.? Is this what you meant?

Ra: I am Ra. This is very close to our meaning. It was our intention to suggest that one or more of you go through the plan of study which we have suggested. The queries having to do with the archetypes as found in the tarot after this point may take the form of observing what seem to be the characteristics of each archetype; relationships between mind, body, and spiritual archetypes of the same ranking such as Matrix; or archetypes as seen in relationship to polarity, especially when observed in the pairings.

Any observations made by a student which has fulfilled these considerations will receive our comments in return. Our great avoidance of interpreting, for the first time, for the learn/teacher various elements of a picture upon a piece of pasteboard is involved both with the Law of Confusion and with the difficulties of the distortions of the pictures upon the pasteboard. Therefore, we may suggest a conscientious review of that which we have already given concerning this subject as opposed to the major reliance being either upon any rendition of the archetype pictures or any system which has been arranged as a means of studying these pictures.

Questioner: The third card also shows the wand, I am assuming it is, in the right hand; the ball at the top being the round magical shape. Am I in any way correct in guessing that Catalyst of the Mind suggests possible eventual use of the magic depicted by this wand?

Ra: I am Ra. The wand is astrological in its origin and as an image may be released from its stricture. The sphere of spiritual power is an indication indeed that each opportunity is pregnant with the most extravagant magical possibilities for the far-seeing adept.

Questioner: In the fourth archetype the card shows a male whose body faces forward. I assume this indicates that the Experience of the Mind will reach for catalyst. However, the face is to the left, indicating to me that in reaching for catalyst, negative catalyst will be more apparent in its power and effect than the positive. Would Ra comment on this?

Ra: I am Ra. The archetype of Experience of the Mind reaches not, O student, but with firm authority grasps what it is given. The remainder of your remarks are perceptive.

Questioner: Thank you. I thought that the wings at the top of the card might indicate the protection of the spirit over the process of evolution. Would Ra comment on that after having the instrument cough?

Ra: [Cough.] I am Ra. We shall end this session for we are having considerable difficulty in using the sympathetic nervous system in order to aid the instrument in providing sufficient of your air for its respiration. Therefore, we prematurely suggest ending this session.

Is there any brief query before we leave this instrument?

Questioner: I assume, then, that twenty-two is the greatest number of archetypes. I’ll also ask what is the minimum number presently in use by any Logos to Ra’s knowledge?

Ra: I am Ra. The fewest are the two systems of five which are completing the cycles or densities of experience.

You must grasp the idea that the archetypes were not developed at once but step by step, and not in order as you know the order at this space/time but in various orders. Therefore, the two systems of fives were using two separate ways of viewing the archetypical nature of all experience. Each, of course, used the Matrix, the Potentiator, and the Significator for this is the harvest with which our creation began.

One way or system of experimentation had added to these the Catalyst and the Experience. Another system if you will, had added Catalyst and Transformation. In one case the methods whereby experience was processed was further aided but the fruits of experience less aided. In the second case the opposite may be seen to be the case.

Questioner: In meditation a number of years ago my arm started to glow, moving rapidly involuntarily. What was that?

Ra: I am Ra. The phenomenon was an analogy made available to you from your higher self. The analogy was that the being that you were was living in a way not understood by, shall we say, physicists, scientists, or doctors.

Questioner: By squared, do you mean that if ten people call you can count that, when comparing it to the planetary ratio of people, as 100 people, squaring ten, getting 100? Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The square is sequential — one, two, three, four, each squared by the next number.

Questioner: Can you tell me why nine hundred years is the optimum life span?

Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex of third density has perhaps one hundred times as intensive a program of catalytic action from which to distill distortions and learn/teachings than any other of the densities. Thus the learn/teachings are most confusing to the mind/body/spirit complex which is, shall we say, inundated by the ocean of experience.

During the first, shall we say, perhaps 150 to 200 of your years as you measure time, a mind/body/spirit complex is going through the process of a spiritual childhood, the mind and the body not enough in a disciplined configuration to lend clarity to the spiritual influxes. Thus, the remaining time span is given to optimize the understandings which result from experience itself.

Questioner: Thank you. Card Number Six I see as the Transformation of the Mind, the male’s crossed arms representing transformation, transformation being possible either toward the left- or the right-hand path, the right-hand path being beckoned or led by the female, the Potentiator. The one on the right having the serpent of wisdom at the brow and being fully clothed, the one on the left having less clothing and indicating that the Matrix or Potentiator would be more concerned and attracted to the physical illusion as the left-hand path is chosen and more concerned and attracted to the mental as the right-hand path is chosen.

The creature above points an arrow at the left-hand path indicating that if this path is chosen the chips, shall we say, will fall where they may, the path being unprotected as far as the random activity of catalyst. And the intellectual abilities of the chooser of that path would be the main guardian rather than a designed or built-in protection by the Logos for the right-hand path. The entity firing the arrow being what seems to be a second density entity would indicate that this catalyst could be produced by a lesser-evolved source, you might say. Would Ra comment on these observations of Card Six, the Transformation of the Mind?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall speak upon several aspects seriatim. Firstly, let us examine the crossed arms of the male who is to be transformed. What, O student, do you make of the crossing? What see you in this tangle? There is a creative point to be found in this element which was not discussed overmuch by the questioner.

Let us now observe the evaluation of the two females. The observation that to the left-hand path moves the roughly physical and to the right-hand path the mental has a shallow correctness. There are deeper observations to be made concerning the relationship of the great sea of the unconscious mind to the conscious mind which may fruitfully be pursued. Remember, O student, that these images are not literal. They haunt rather than explicate.

Many use the trunk and roots of mind as if that portion of mind were a badly used, prostituted entity. Then this entity gains from this great storehouse that which is rough, prostituted, and without great virtue. Those who turn to the deep mind, seeing it in the guise of the maiden, go forth to court it. The courtship has nothing of plunder in its semblance and may be protracted, yet the treasure gained by such careful courtship is great. The right-hand and left-hand transformations of the mind may be seen to differ by the attitude of the conscious mind towards its own resources as well as the resources of other-selves.

We now speak of that genie, or elemental, or mythic figure, culturally determined, which sends the arrow to the left-hand transformation. This arrow is not the arrow which kills but rather that which, in its own way, protects. Those who choose separation, that being the quality most indicative of the left-hand path, are protected from other-selves by a strength and sharpness equivalent to the degree of transformation which the mind has experienced in the negative sense. Those upon the right-hand path have no such protection against other-selves for upon that path the doughty* seeker shall find many mirrors for reflection in each other-self it encounters.

Questioner: What was Ra’s average total population incarnate on Venus in third density, the number?

Ra: I am Ra. We were a small population which dwelt upon what you would consider difficult conditions. Our harvest was approximately 6 million 500 thousand mind/body/spirit complexes. There were approximately 32 million mind/body/spirit complexes repeating third density elsewhere.

Questioner: Would you correct me, please?

Ra: I am Ra. There were many experiments whereby various of the functions or distortions of the body complex were veiled and others not. A large number of these experiments resulted in nonviable body complexes or those only marginally viable. For instance, it is not a survival-oriented mechanism for the nerve receptors to blank out unconsciously any distortions towards pain.

Questioner: Is it possible to tell me roughly how many Wanderers that have come to this planet within this master cycle have experienced this displacement into a negative time/space? Just wondering if there have been many.

Ra: I am Ra. We can note the number of such occurrences. There has been only one. We cannot, due to the Law of Confusion, discuss the entity.

Questioner: Can you tell me what the result of the application of the Law of Squares is to those figures?

Ra: The number is approximately meaningless in the finite sense as there are many, many digits. It, however, constitutes a great calling which we of all creation feel and hear as if our own entities were distorted towards a great and overwhelming sorrow. It demands our service.

Questioner: Now, we have I believe, if I remember correctly— I think you said there were 600* million Wanderers, approximately. Am I correct in that memory?

Ra: I am Ra. This is approximately correct. There is some excess to that amount.*

* The correct number in 1981 was somewhat in excess of 60 million. Ra and Don corrected their mistake in Session 64.

Questioner: A little appendage to this. Do you use your vocabulary or the instrument’s vocabulary to communicate with us?

Ra: I am Ra. We use the vocabulary of the language with which you are familiar. This is not the instrument’s vocabulary. However, this particular mind/body/spirit complex retains the use of a sufficiently large number of sound vibration complexes that the distinction is often without any importance.

Questioner: I think to try and clear up this point I’m going to ask a few questions that are related that will possibly enable me to understand this better because I am really confused about this and I think it is a very important point in understanding the creation and the Creator in general, you might say. If a Wanderer of fourth, fifth, or sixth density dies from this third-density state in which we presently find ourselves, does he then find himself in third-density time/space after death?

Ra: I am Ra. This will depend upon the plan which has been approved by the Council of Nine. Some Wanderers offer themselves for but one incarnation while others offer themselves for varying lengths of your time up to and including the last two cycles of 25,000 years. If the agreed-upon mission is complete the Wanderer’s mind/body/spirit complex will go to the home vibration.

Questioner: In Card Four [in the] last session we spoke of the shape of the skirt and it has occurred to us that the skirt of the entity representing the archetype of Experience is extended to the left to indicate that other-selves would not be able to get close to this entity if it had chosen the left-hand path. There would be a greater separation between it and other-selves, whereas if it had chosen the right-hand path there would be much less of a separation. Would Ra comment on that observation?

Ra: I am Ra. The student is perceptive.

Questioner: Do the symbols on the face of each of these little cartouches such as the birds and the other symbols have a meaning in this card that is of value in considering the archetype? Would you answer that after making the instrument cough, please?

Ra: [Cough.] I am Ra. These symbols are letters and words much as your language would receive such an entablature*. They are, to a great extent, enculturated by a people not of your generation. Let us, in the rough, suggest that the information written upon these cartouches be understood to be such as the phrase, “And you shall be born again to eternal life.”

Questioner: Well, we presently find ourselves in the Milky Way Galaxy of some 200 or so million— correction, 200 or so billion— stars and there are millions and millions of these large galaxies spread out through what we call space. To Ra’s knowledge, I assume, the number of these galaxies is infinite? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct and is a significant point.

Questioner: Is it of any assistance to the instrument to have [name] and [name] present during these sessions? Does the number in the group make any difference in these sessions?

Ra: I am Ra. The most important of the entities are the questioner and the vibratory sound complex, Jim. The two entities additional aid the instrument’s comfort by energizing the instrument with their abilities to share the physical energy complex which is a portion of your love vibration.

Questioner: Then as these final days of the cycle transpire if the harvest were to occur now, today, it would have a certain number harvested positively and negatively and a certain number of repeaters. I am going to assume that because of the catalyst which will be experienced between now and the actual harvesting time these numbers of harvestable entities will increase.

Generally speaking, not particularly with respect to this planet but with respect to general experience, shall we say, in harvesting, how big an increase in harvestable entities can you logically assume will occur because of the catalyst that occurs in the final period such as this one, or am I making a mistake in assuming that other planets have added catalyst at the end of a harvesting period when they have a mixed harvest?

Ra: I am Ra. In the event of mixed harvest there is nearly always disharmony and, therefore, added catalyst in the form of your so-called “Earth changes.” In this assumption you are correct.

It is the Confederation’s desire to serve those who may indeed seek more intensely because of this added catalyst. We do not choose to attempt to project the success of added numbers to the harvest for this would not be appropriate. We are servants. If we are called, we shall serve with all our strength. To count the numbers is without virtue.

Questioner: OK. At the present time we are experiencing the effects of a more complex or greater number of archetypes and I have guessed that the ones we are experiencing now for the mind work as follows: We have the Magician and High Priestess which correspond to the Matrix and Potentiator which have the veil drawn between them which is the primary creator of the extension of the first distortion. Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. We are unable to answer this query without intervening material.

Questioner: Is there anyone in our history that is commonly known who went to a fourth-density self-service or negative type planet or who will go there?

Ra: I am Ra. The number of entities thus harvested is small. However, a few have penetrated the eighth level which is only available from the opening up of the seventh through the sixth. Penetration into the eighth or intelligent infinity level allows a mind/body/spirit complex to be harvested if it wishes at any time/space during the cycle.

Questioner: I was just wondering if the transparency of the garment on the third card indicates the semi-permeable nature of the veil between conscious and subconscious?

Ra: I am Ra. This is a thoughtful perception and cannot be said to be incorrect. However, the intended suggestion, in general, is an echo of our earlier suggestion that the nature of catalyst is that of the unconscious; that is, outward catalyst comes through the veil.

All that you perceive seems to be consciously perceived. This is not the correct supposition. All that you perceive is perceived as catalyst unconsciously. By the, shall we say, time that the mind begins its appreciation of catalyst, that catalyst has been filtered through the veil and in some cases much is veiled in the most apparently clear perception.

Questioner: Which entities incarnate at this time on this planet would be of that category, manufacturing all of their catalyst?

Ra: I am Ra. We find your query indeterminate but can respond that the number of those which have mastered outer catalyst completely is quite small.

Most of those harvestable at this space/time nexus have partial control over the outer illusion and are using the outer catalyst to work upon some bias which is not yet in balance.

Questioner: [We have] already discussed the Significator, so I will skip to number thirteen. Transformation of Body is called Death, for with death the body is transformed to a higher-vibration body for additional learning. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and may be seen to be additionally correct in that each moment and certainly each diurnal period of the bodily incarnation offers death and rebirth to one which is attempting to use the catalyst which is offered it.

Questioner: I’ll have to work on that.

Then I am guessing that the crossed legs of the entity in Card Four have a meaning similar to the cross of the crux ansata. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. The cross formed by the living limbs of the image signifies that which is the nature of mind/body/spirit complexes in manifestation within your illusion. There is no experience which is not purchased by effort of some kind, no act of service to self or others which does not bear a price, to the entity manifesting, commensurate with its purity. All things in manifestation may be seen in one way or another to be offering themselves in order that transformations may take place upon the level appropriate to the action.

Questioner: What was the nature of these significant calls on the vital energy?

Ra: I am Ra. There are those entities which entertain the thought distortion towards this entity that it shall remove for the other-selves all distortions for the other-self. This entity has recently been in close contact with a larger than normal number of entities with these thought complex distortions. This entity is of the distortion to provide whatever service is possible and is not consciously aware of the inroads made upon the vital energies.

Questioner: What did Ra use in third density?

Ra: I am Ra. You are aware in your attempts at magical visualization of the mental configuration of sometimes rather complex visualizations. These are mental and drawn with the mind. Another example well-known in your culture is the visualization, in your mass, of the distortion of the love of the One Infinite Creator called Christianity, wherein a small portion of your foodstuffs is seen to be a mentally configured but entirely real man, the man known to you as Jehoshua or, as you call this entity now, Jesus. It was by this method of sustained visualization over a period of training that we worked with these concepts.

These concepts were occasionally drawn. However, the concept of one visualization per card was not thought of by us.

Questioner: The Matrix of the Mind is depicted seemingly as male on the card and the Potentiator as female. Could Ra state why this is and how this affects these two archetypes?

Ra: I am Ra. Firstly, as we have said, the Matrix of the Mind is attracted to the biological male and the Potentiator of the Mind to the biological female. Thusly in energy transfer the female is able to potentiate that which may be within the conscious mind of the male so that it may feel enspirited.

In a more general sense, that which reaches may be seen as a male principle. That which awaits the reaching may be seen as a female principle. The richness of the male and female system of polarity is interesting and we would not comment further but suggest consideration by the student.

Questioner: Is the effect a function of the number of sessions, and has it reached a peak level or will it continue to increase in effect?

Ra: I am Ra. This wearying effect will continue but should not be confused with the physical energy levels, having only to do with the, as you would call it, daily round of experience. In this sphere those things which are known already to aid this instrument will continue to be of aid. You will, however, notice the gradual increase in transparency, shall we say, of the vibrations of the instrument.

Questioner: The only question I have is that I must assume since Leonard was here when you first made contact, [it’d] be as suitable for him to be here as Tom. Is this correct?

Ra: This is correct and completes the number of those at this time able to come who are suitable. Again, remember the instructions given for the preparation of the vibratory sound complex, Tom.

I am Ra. I leave you in the love and the light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

Questioner: Thank you. In this line of questioning I am trying to establish a basis for understanding the foundation for not only the experience that we have now but how the experience was formed and, and how it is related to all the rest of the experience through the portion of the octave as we understand it. I am assuming, then, that all of these galaxies, millions… infinite number of galaxies which we can just begin to become aware of with our telescopes, they are all of the same octave. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Are most of these from the fourth density? What density do they come from?

Ra: I am Ra. Few there are of fourth density. The largest number of Wanderers, as you call them, are of the sixth density. The desire to serve must be distorted towards a great deal of purity of mind and what you may call foolhardiness or bravery, depending upon your distortion complex judgment. The challenge/danger of the Wanderer is that it will forget its mission, become karmically involved, and thus be swept into the maelstrom from which it had incarnated to aid* the destruction.

Questioner: In the last session we discussed the first tarot card of the Egyptian type. Are there any distortions in the cards that we have (which we will publish in the book if possible) that Ra did not originally intend, with the exception of the star, which we know is a distortion, or any additions that Ra did intend in this particular tarot?

Ra: I am Ra. The distortions remaining after the removal of astrological material are those having to do with the mythos of the culture to which Ra offered this teach/learning tool. This is why we have suggested approaching the images looking for the heart of the image rather than being involved overmuch by the costumes and creatures of a culture not familiar to your present incarnation. We have no wish to add to an already distorted group of images, feeling that although distortion is inevitable there is the least amount which can be procured in the present arrangement.

Questioner: Well, this would tell me that roughly 3% of all stars have inhabited planets, which would just give a, shall I say, mind-boggling idea of the number of entities which… I assume then this process of evolution is in use throughout the known universe. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This octave of infinite knowledge of the One Creator is as it is throughout the One Infinite Creation, with variations programmed by sub-Logoi of what you call major galaxies and minor galaxies. These variations are not significant but may be compared to various regions of geographical location sporting various ways of pronouncing the same sound vibration complex or concept.

Questioner: [In a] previous session* you mentioned the gateway of magic for the adept occurring in eighteen-day cycles. Could you expand on that information please?

Ra: I am Ra. The mind/body/spirit complex is born under a series of influences, both lunar, planetary, cosmic, and in some cases, karmic. The moment of the birthing into this illusion begins the cycles we have mentioned.

The spiritual or adept’s cycle is an eighteen-day cycle and operates with the qualities of the sine wave*. Thus there are a few excellent days on the positive side of the curve, that being the first nine days of the cycle — precisely the fourth, the fifth, and the sixth — when workings are most appropriately undertaken, given that the entity is still without total conscious control of its mind/body/spirit distortion/reality.

The most interesting portion of this information, like that of each cycle, is the noting of the critical point wherein passing from the ninth to the tenth and from the eighteenth to the first days the adept will experience some difficulty especially when there is a transition occurring in another cycle at the same time. At the nadir of each cycle the adept will be at its least powerful but will not be open to difficulties in nearly the degree that it experiences at critical times.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
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