The Law of One Search Results for ‘Geometric shapes on skin’

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Questioner: What position would be the age reversal position?

Ra: I am Ra. Approximately 5 to 10° above and below the Queen’s Chamber position in ovoid shapes on each face of the four-sided pyramid extending into the solid shape approximately one-quarter of the way to the Queen’s Chamber position.

Questioner: I can see how a solid-sided pyramid would act as a funnel. It seems to me that using just the four rods joined at the apex angle would be less efficient. Can you tell me how they are equivalent to the solid-sided pyramid?

Ra: I am Ra. They are unequal in space/time, and we recommend for practical use the solid-sided pyramid or other focusing shape in order to give your physical bodily complexes respite from outside noise, rain, and other distractions to meditation. However, in time/space one is concerned with the electro-magnetic field produced by the shape. An equivalent field is produced by the solid and the open shape. Light is influenced metaphysically by this field rather than by visible shapes.

Questioner: OK. I’m sort of hunting around here for an entry into some information. I may not be looking in a productive area.

But you had stated that “we (that is Ra) had been aided by shapes such as the pyramid, so that we could aid your people with a shape such as the pyramid.” These shapes have been mentioned many, many times and you have also stated that the shapes themselves aren’t of too much consequence. I see a relation between these shapes and the energies that we have been studying with respect to the body, and I would like to ask a few questions on the pyramid to see if I might get an entry into some of this understanding.

You stated, “You will find the intersection of the triangle which is at the first level on each of the four sides forms a diamond in a plane which is horizontal.” Can you tell me what you meant by the word, intersection?

Ra: I am Ra. Your mathematics and arithmetic have a paucity of configurative descriptions which we might use. Without intending to be obscure, we may note that the purpose of the shapes is to work with time/space portions of the mind/body/spirit complex. Therefore, the intersection is both space/time and time/space oriented and thus is expressed in three dimensional geometry by two intersections which, when projected in both time/space and space/time, form one point.

Questioner: What would be an appropriate apex angle for a teepee shape for our uses?

Ra: I am Ra. This is at your discretion. The principle of circular, rounded, or peaked shapes is that the center acts as an invisible inductive coil. Thus the energy patterns are spiraling and circular. Thus the choice of the most pleasant configuration is yours. The effect is relatively fixed.

Questioner: Then if a pyramid shape is used, it would seem to me that it would be necessary to make it large enough so that the Queen’s Chamber position would be far enough from the King’s Chamber position so that you could use that energy position and not be harmed by the energy position of the King’s Chamber position or any position farther from the Queen’s Chamber. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. In this application a pyramid shape may be smaller if the apex angle is less, thus not allowing the formation of the King’s Chamber position. Also efficacious for this application are the following shapes: the silo, the cone, the dome, and the teepee.

Questioner: Can you mention some exercises for helping to increase the attention span?

Ra: I am Ra. Such exercises are common among the many mystical traditions of your entities. The visualization of a shape and color which is of personal inspirational quality to the meditator is the heart of what you would call the religious aspects of this sort of visualization.

The visualization of simple shapes and colors which have no innate inspirational quality to the entity form the basis for what you may call your magical traditions.

Whether you image the rose or the circle is not important. However, it is suggested that one or the other path towards visualization be chosen in order to exercise this faculty. This is due to the careful arrangement of shapes and colors which have been described as visualizations by those steeped in the magical tradition.

Questioner: The book, Life Force in the Great Pyramid, they have related the ankh shape with a resonance in the pyramid. Is this a correct analysis?

Ra: I am Ra. We have scanned your mind and find the phrase “working with crayons.” This would be applicable. There is only one significance to these shapes such as the crux ansata*; that is the placing in coded form of mathematical relationships.

Questioner: Do these shapes that you just mentioned have any of the effect of the King’s Chamber at all, or do they have only the Queen Chamber effect?

Ra: I am Ra. These shapes have the Queen’s Chamber effect. It is to be noted that a strongly crystallized entity is, in effect, a portable King’s Chamber position.

Questioner: Is there any variation in the effect with respect to the material of construction, the thickness of the material? Is it simply the geometry of the shape, or is it related to some other factors?

Ra: I am Ra. The geometry, as you call it, or relationships of these shapes in their configuration is the great consideration. It is well to avoid stannous* material or that of lead or other baser metals. Wood, plastic, glass, and other materials may all be considered to be appropriate.

Questioner: In that case, I will ask how does the pyramid shape work?

Ra: I am Ra. We are assuming that you wish to know the principle of the shapes, angles, and intersections of the pyramid at what you call Giza.

In reality, the pyramid shape does no work. It does not work. It is an arrangement for the centralization as well as the diffraction of the spiraling upward light energy as it is being used by the mind/body/spirit complex.

The spiraling nature of light is such that the magnetic fields of an individual are affected by spiraling energy. Certain shapes offer an echo chamber, shall we say, or an intensifier for spiraling prana*, as some have called this all-present, primal distortion of the One Infinite Creator.

If the intent is to intensify the necessity for the entity’s own will to call forth the inner light in order to match the intensification of the spiraling light energy, the entity will be placed in what you have called the Queen’s Chamber position in this particular shaped object. This is the initiatory place and is the place of resurrection.

The off-set place, representing the spiral as it is in motion, is the appropriate position for one to be healed as in this position an entity’s vibratory magnetic nexi are interrupted in their normal flux. Thus a possibility/probability vortex ensues; a new beginning, shall we say, is offered for the entity in which the entity may choose a less distorted, weak, or blocked configuration of energy center magnetic distortions.

The function of the healer and crystal may not be over-emphasized, for this power of interruption must needs be controlled, shall we say, with incarnate intelligence; the intelligence being that of one which recognizes energy patterns; which, without judging, recognizes blockage, weakness, and other distortion; and which is capable of visualizing, through the regularity of self and of crystal, the less distorted other-self to be healed.

Other shapes which are arched, groined, vaulted, conical, or as your teepees are also shapes with this type of intensification of spiraling light. Your caves, being rounded, are places of power due to this shaping.

It is to be noted that these shapes are dangerous. We are quite pleased to have the opportunity to enlarge upon the subject of shapes such as the pyramid for we wish, as part of our honor/duty, to state that there are many wrong uses for these curved shapes; for with improper placement, improper intentions, or lack of the crystallized being functioning as channel for healing, the sensitive entity will be distorted more rather than less in some cases.

It is to be noted that your peoples build, for the most part, the cornered or square habitations, for they do not concentrate power. It is further to be noted that the spiritual seeker has, for many of your time periods of years, sought the rounded, arched, and peaked forms as an expression of the power of the Creator.

Questioner: Does it matter if the pyramid is solid or is made of four thin sides, or is there a difference in effect between those two makes?

Ra: I am Ra. As an energy collector, the shape itself is the only requirement. From the standpoint of the practical needs of your body complexes, if one is to house one’s self in such a shape, it is well that this shape be solid sided in order to avoid being inundated by outer stimuli.

Questioner: Then the lines of spiraling light energy— do they originate from a position toward the center of the Earth and radiate outward from that point?

Ra: I am Ra. The pyramid shape is a collector which draws the instreaming energy from what you would term, the bottom or base, and allows this energy to spiral upward in a line with the apex of this shape. This is also true if a pyramid shape is upended. The energy is not Earth energy, as we understand your question, but is light energy which is omni-present.

Questioner: The dangerous pyramid shape for use today would be a four-sided pyramid that was large enough to create the King’s Chamber effect. Is that statement correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This statement is correct with the additional understanding that the 76° apex angle is that characteristic of the powerful shape.

Questioner: The pyramid shape then, as I understand it, was deemed by your social memory complex at that time to be of paramount importance as, shall I say, a physical training aid for spiritual development. At this particular time in the evolution of our planet it seems that you place little or no emphasis on this shape. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct. It is our honor/duty to attempt to remove the distortions that the use of this shape has caused in the thinking of your peoples and in the activities of some of your entities. We do not deny that such shapes are efficacious, nor do we withhold the general gist of this efficacy. However, we wish to offer our understanding, limited though it is, that contrary to our naïve beliefs many thousands of your years ago the optimum shape for initiation does not exist.

Let us expand upon this point. When we were aided by sixth-density entities during our own third-density experiences we, being less bellicose in the extreme, found this teaching to be of help. In our naïveté in third density we had not developed the interrelationships of your barter or money system and power. We were, in fact, a more philosophical third-density planet than your own and our choices of polarity were much more centered about the, shall we say, understanding of sexual energy transfers and the appropriate relationships between self and other-self.

We spent a much larger portion of our space/time working with the unmanifested being. In this less complex atmosphere it was quite instructive to have this learn/teaching device and we benefited without the distortions we found occurring among your peoples.

We have recorded these differences meticulously in the Great Record of Creation that such naïveté shall not be necessary again.

At this space/time we may best serve you, we believe, by stating that the pyramid for meditation along with other rounded and arched or pointed circular shapes is of help to you. However, it is our observation that due to the complexity of influences upon the unmanifested being at this space/time nexus among your planetary peoples it is best that the progress of the mind/body/spirit complex take place without, as you call them, training aids because when using a training aid an entity then takes upon itself the Law of Responsibility for the quickened or increased rate of learn/teaching. If this greater understanding, if we may use this misnomer, is not put into practice in the moment by moment experience of the entity, then the usefulness of the training aid becomes negative.

Questioner: Could you give me more information on the energy fields of the body as relates to the right and left brain and if this is somehow related to the pyramid shape as far as energy focusing goes? I am a little lost at exactly how to get into this line of questioning, so I will ask that question.

Ra: I am Ra. We are similarly at a loss at this line of answering. We may say that the pyramid shape is but one which focuses the instreamings of energy for use by entities which may become aware of these instreamings. We may say further that the shape of your physical brain is not significant as a shape for concentrating instreamings of energy. Please ask more specifically if you may that information you seek.

Questioner: Thank you. Continuing with the previous session, [you] mentioned that the Orion crusaders came here in chariots. [Could you] describe a chariot?

Ra: I am Ra. The term chariot is a term used in warfare among your peoples. That is its significance. The shape of the Orion craft is one of the following: firstly, the elongated, ovoid shape which is of a darker nature than silver but which has a metallic appearance if seen in the light. In the absence of light, it appears to be red or fiery in some manner.

Other craft include disc-shaped objects of a small nature approximately twelve feet in your measurement in diameter, the box-like shape approximately forty feet to a side in your measurement. Other craft can take on a desired shape through the use of thought control mechanisms. There are various civilization complexes which work within this group. Some are more able to use intelligent infinity than others. The information is very seldom shared; therefore, the chariots vary greatly in shape and appearance.

Questioner: At the end of this first 25,000-year cycle, then, was there any physical change that occurred rapidly like that which occurs at a 75,000-year cycle or is this just an indexing time for a harvesting period?

Ra: I am Ra. There was no change except that which according to intelligent energy, or what you may term physical evolution, suited physical complexes to their environment, this being of the color of the skin due to the area of the sphere upon which entities lived; the gradual growth of peoples due to improved intake of foodstuffs.

Questioner: Would the pyramid shape work just as well right side up as upside down with respect to the surface of the Earth, assuming the magnetic alignment was the same in both cases?

Ra: I am Ra. We do not penetrate your query. The reversed shape of the pyramid reverses the effects of the pyramid. Further, it is difficult to build such a structure, point down. Perhaps we have misinterpreted your query.

Questioner: If a pyramid shape were placed below the entity, how would this be done? Would this be placed beneath the bed? I’m not quite sure of the arrangement for energizing the entity by “placing it below.” Could you tell me how to do that?

Ra: I am Ra. Your assumption is correct. If the shape is of appropriate size it may be placed directly beneath the cushion of the head or the pallet upon which the body complex rests.

We again caution that the third spiral of upward lining light, that which is emitted from the apex of this shape, is most deleterious to an entity in overdose and should not be used over-long.

Questioner: What do you mean by crystal structures?

Ra: I am Ra. Each of the energy centers of the physical complex may be seen to have a distinctive crystalline structure in the more developed entity. Each will be somewhat different just as in your world no two snowflakes are alike. However, each is regular. The red energy center often is in the shape of the spoked wheel. The orange energy center in the flower shape containing three petals.

The yellow center again in a rounded shape, many faceted, as a star.

The green energy center sometimes called the lotus-shape, the number of points of crystalline structure dependent upon the strength of this center.

The blue energy center capable of having perhaps one hundred facets and capable of great flashing brilliance.

The indigo center a more quiet center which has the basic triangular or three-petaled shape in many, although some adepts who have balanced the lower energies may create more faceted forms.

The violet energy center is the least variable and is sometimes described in your philosophy as thousand-petaled as it is the sum of the mind/body/spirit complex distortion totality.

Questioner: Is there currently any use for the pyramid shape at all that is beneficial?

Ra: I am Ra. This is in the affirmative if carefully used.

The pyramid may be used for the improvement of the meditative state as long as the shape is such that the entity is in Queen’s Chamber position or entities are in balanced configuration about this central point.

The small pyramid shape, placed beneath a portion of the body complex may energize this body complex. This should be done for brief periods only, not to exceed 30 of your minutes.

The use of the pyramid to balance planetary energies still functions to a slight extent, but due to earth changes, the pyramids are no longer aligned properly for this work.

Questioner: How does the healing that you just told us about relate to the healing done in the King’s Chamber in the Giza pyramid?

Ra: I am Ra. There are two advantages to doing this working in such a configuration of shapes and dimensions.

Firstly, the disruption or interruption of the violet/red armoring or protective shell is automatic.

In the second place, the light is configured by the very placement of this position in the seven distinctive color or energy vibratory rates, thus allowing the energy through the crystallized being, focused with the crystal, to manipulate with great ease the undisturbed and, shall we say, carefully delineated palette of energies or colors, both in space/time and in time/space. Thus the unarmored being may be adjusted rapidly. This is desirable in some cases, especially when the armoring is the largest moiety* of the possibility of continued function of body complex activity in this density. The trauma of the interruption of this armoring vibration is then seen to be lessened.

We take this opportunity to pursue our honor/duty, as some of those creating the pyramid shape, to note that it is in no way necessary to use this shape in order to achieve healings, for seniority of vibration has caused the vibratory complexes of mind/body/spirit complexes to be healed to be less vulnerable to the trauma of the interrupted armoring.

Furthermore, as we have said, the powerful effect of the pyramid, with its mandatory disruption of the armoring, if used without the crystallized being, used with the wrong intention, or in the wrong configuration, can result in further distortions of entities which are perhaps the equal of some of your chemicals which cause disruptions in the energy fields in like manner.

Questioner: I’m trying to understand the three spirals of light in the pyramid shape. I would like to question on each.

The first spiral starts below the Queen’s Chamber and ends in the Queen’s Chamber? Is that correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is incorrect. The first notion of upward spiraling light is as that of the scoop, the light energy being scooped in through the attraction of the pyramid shape through the bottom or base. Thus the first configuration is a semi-spiral.

Questioner: Is there an apex angle that is the angle for maximum efficiency in the pyramid?

Ra: I am Ra. Again, to conserve this instrument’s energy, I am assuming that you intend to indicate the most appropriate angle of apex for healing work. If the shape is such that it is large enough to contain an individual mind/body/spirit complex at the appropriate off-set position within it, the 76° 18′, approximate, angle is useful and appropriate. If the position varies, the angle may vary. Further, if the healer has the ability to perceive distortions with enough discrimination, the position within any pyramid shape may be moved about until results are effected. However, we found this particular angle to be useful. Other social memory complexes, or portions thereof, have determined different apex angles for different uses, not having to do with healing but with learning. When one works with the cone, or, shall we say, the silo type of shape, the energy for healing may be found to be in a general circular pattern unique to each shape as a function of its particular height and width, and in the cone shape, the angle of apex. In these cases, there are no corner angles. Thus the spiraling energy works in circular motion.

Questioner: Is the instrument comfortable? Is there any other thing that would increase the instrument’s comfort? That’s all.

Ra: I am Ra. The candle could be rotated clockwise approximately 10° each session to improve the flow of spiraled energy through the being’s receiving mechanisms. This particular configuration is well otherwise. But we ask that the objects described and used be centered with geometric care and checked from time to time. Also that they not be exposed to that space/time in which work is not of importance.

I am Ra. I leave this instrument in the love and light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth rejoicing in the power and the peace of the One Creator. Adonai.

Questioner: Where are these three entities now?

Ra: I am Ra. These entities are in the dimension known to you as fourth. Therefore the space/time continua are not compatible. An approximation of the space/time locus of each would net no actual understanding. Each chose a fourth-density planet which was dedicated to the pursuit of the understanding of the Law of One through service to self, one in what you know as the Orion group, one in what you know as Cassiopeia, one in what you know as Southern Cross; however, these loci are not satisfactory. We do not have vocabulary for the geometric calculations necessary for transfer of this understanding to you.

Questioner: Does the shape of the pyramid have effect upon the initiation?

Ra: I am Ra. As we began the last session question, you have already recorded in your individual memory complex the first use of the shape having to do with the body complex initiation. The initiation of spirit was a more carefully designed type of initiation as regards the time/space ratios about which the entity to be initiated found itself.

If you will picture with me the side of the so-called pyramid shape and mentally imagine this triangle cut into four equal triangles, you will find the intersection of the triangle which is at the first level on each of the four sides forms a diamond in a plane which is horizontal. The middle of this plane is the appropriate place for the intersection of the energies streaming from the infinite dimensions and the mind/body/spirit complexes of various interwoven energy fields. Thus it was designed that the one to be initiated would, by mind, be able to perceive and then channel this, shall we say, gateway to intelligent infinity. This, then, was the second point of designing this specific shape.

May we provide a further description of any kind to your query?

Questioner: Did any of these second-density entities have shapes like ours— two arms, two legs, head, and walk upright on two feet?

Ra: I am Ra. The two higher of the sub-vibrational levels of second-density beings had the configuration of the biped, as you mentioned. However, the erectile movement which you experience was not totally effected in these beings who were tending towards the leaning forward, barely leaving the quadrupedal position.

Questioner: The entity of Card Four wears a strangely shaped skirt. Is there a significance to the shape of this skirt?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes.

Questioner: Would it be of value for the reader to know this in your estimation?

Ra: I am Ra. You must shape your queries according to your discernment.

Questioner: Are they?

Ra: I am Ra. A significant portion of sixth-density Wanderers are those of our social memory complex. Another large portion consists of those who aided those in South America; another portion, those aiding Atlantis. All sixth density and all brother and sister groups due to the unified feeling that as we had been aided by shapes such as the pyramid, so we could aid your peoples.

Questioner: Are there any other effects of the pyramid shape beside the spirals that we have just discussed?

Ra: I am Ra. There are several. However, their uses are limited. The use of the resonating chamber position is one which challenges the ability of an adept to face the self. This is one type of mental test which may be used. It is powerful and quite dangerous.

The outer shell of the pyramid shape contains small vortices of light energy which, in the hands of capable crystallized beings, are useful for various subtle workings upon the healing of invisible bodies affecting the physical body.

Other of these places are those wherein perfect sleep may be obtained and age reversed. These characteristics are not important.

Questioner: I would like to trace the energy patterns and what is actually happening with these patterns and flow of energy in a couple of instances. I will first take the pyramid shape and trace the energy that is focused somehow by this shape. I will make a statement and let you correct it.

I think that the pyramid can be in any orientation and provide some focusing of spiraling energy, but the greatest focusing occurs when one side of it is precisely parallel to magnetic north. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is substantially correct with one addition. If one corner is oriented to the magnetic north, the energy will be enhanced in its focus also.

Questioner: Then for the last 2,300 years you have been actively working to create as large a harvest as possible at the end of the total 75,000-year cycle. Can you state with respect to the Law of One why you do this, just as a statement of your reasons for this?

Ra: I am Ra. I speak for the social memory complex termed Ra. We came among you to aid you. Our efforts in service were perverted. Our desire then is to eliminate as far as possible the distortions caused by those misreading our information and guidance. The general cause of service such as the Confederation offers is that of the primal distortion of the Law of One, which is service. The One Being of the creation is like unto a body, if you will accept this third-density analogy. Would we ignore a pain in the leg? A bruise upon the skin? A cut which is festering? No. There is no ignoring a call. We, the entities of sorrow, choose as our service the attempt to heal the sorrow which we are calling analogous to the pains of a physical body complex distortion.

Questioner: Would Ra please give me any information possible on the ratios of the dimensions, and the dimensions and shape of the crux ansata as it should be made or drawn?

Ra: I am Ra. No.

Questioner: What civilization was it that helped Ra using the pyramid shape while Ra was in third density?

Ra: I am Ra. Your people have a fondness for the naming. These entities have begun their travel back to the Creator and are no longer experiencing time.

Questioner: Is the pyramid shape that Jim has constructed in our yard functioning properly? Is it aligned properly and built properly?

Ra: I am Ra. It is built within good tolerances though not perfect. However, its alignment should be as this resting place for maximum efficacy.

Questioner: Why is the spiraling light focused by something as open and simple as four wooden rods joined at an apex angle?

Ra: I am Ra. If you pictured light in the metaphysical sense, as water, and the pyramid shape as a funnel, this concept might become self-evident.

Questioner: Now, was there a reason for the particular shape you chose, in particular a reason for the three hemispheres on the bottom?

Ra: I am Ra. It seemed an aesthetically pleasing form and one well suited to those limited uses which we must needs make of your space/time motivating requirements.

Questioner: Then if I just used a wire frame that were four pieces of wire and joined at the apex running down to the base, and the pyramid were totally open, this would do the same thing to the spiraling light energy? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. The concept of the frame as equal to the solid form is correct. However, there are many metals not recommended for use in pyramid shapes designed to aid the meditative process. Those that are recommended are, in your system of barter, what you call expensive. The wood, or other natural materials, or the man-made plastic rods will also be of service.

Questioner: Could I assume then that from all points in space light radiates in our illusion outward in a 360° solid angle and this scoop shape with the pyramid then creates the coherence to this radiation as a focusing mechanism? Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is precisely correct.

Questioner: The square cage may represent the material illusion, an unmagical shape. Would Ra comment?

Ra: I am Ra. The square, wherever seen, is the symbol of the third-density illusion and may be seen either as unmagical or, in the proper configuration, as having been manifested within; that is, the material world given life.

Questioner: The bird is within a circle on the front of the entity in Card Four. Would that have the same significance as the circular part of the crux ansata?

Ra: I am Ra. It is a specialized form of this meaningful shape. It is specialized in great part due to the nature of the crossed legs of manifestation which we have previously discussed.

Questioner: Finishing the last session, I had asked a question that was too long to answer. It had to do with the shape of the pyramid and its relationship to the initiation. Is this an appropriate time to ask this question?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes, this is an appropriate time/space to ask that question.

Questioner: Would this be similar to the vortex you get when you release the water from a bathtub?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct except that in the case of this action the cause is gravitic whereas in the case of the pyramid the vortex is that of upward spiraling light being attracted by the electro-magnetic fields engendered by the shape of the pyramid.

Questioner: Thank you. To continue with the tarot, I would like to make the additional observation with respect to Card Six that the male’s arms being crossed, if the female to his right pulls on his left hand it would cant*, in effect turn him, his entire body, toward the right and the same is true for the female on the left: pulling on his right hand she will turn his entire body to her side. Which is my interpretation of what’s meant by the tangle of the arms. That the transformation occurs by pull which attempts to turn the entity toward the left or the right-hand path. Would Ra comment on that observation?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall. The concept of the pull towards mental polarity may well be examined in the light of what the student has already accreted* concerning the nature of the conscious, exemplified by the male, and the unconscious, exemplified by the female. Indeed, both the prostituted and the virginal of deep mind invite and await the reaching.

In this image of Transformation of Mind, then, each of the females points the way it would go, but is not able to move, nor are the two female entities striving to do so. They are at rest. The conscious entity holds both and will turn itself one way or the other or, potentially, backwards and forwards, rocking first one way then the other and not achieving the transformation. In order for the Transformation of Mind to occur, one principle governing the use of the deep mind must be abandoned.

It is to be noted that the triangular shape formed by the shoulders and crossed elbows of consciousness is a shape to be associated with transformation. Indeed, you may see this shape echoed twice more in the image, each echo having its own riches to add to the impact of this complex of concepts.

Questioner: Then in seeking healing a mind/body/spirit complex would then be seeking in some cases a source of gathered and focused light energy. This source could be another mind/body/spirit complex sufficiently crystallized for this purpose or the pyramid shape, or possibly something else. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. These are some of the ways an entity may seek healing. Yes.

Questioner: We are very interested in the entire story that you have to tell and in getting into the Law of One in quite some detail. There will be several questions that I’ll ask as we go along that may or may not be related directly to understanding the Law of One. However, I believe that the proper way of presenting this as a teach/learning vehicle to the population of the planet that will read it at this time is to investigate different facets of what you tell us. You spoke of crystal healing. (One other thing I might mention is that when the instrument becomes fatigued we want to cut off communication and resume it at a later time after the instrument is recharged.) And if the instrument is suitable at this time I would like a little discussion of the crystal healing that you mentioned.

Ra: I am Ra. The principle of crystal healing is based upon an understanding of the hierarchical nature of the structure of the illusion which is the physical body, as you would call it. There are crystals which work upon the energies coming into the spiritual body; there are crystals which work upon the distortions from spirit to mind; there are crystals which balance the distortions between the mind and the body. All of these crystal healings are charged through purified channels. Without the relative crystallization of the healer working with the crystal, the crystal will not be properly charged. The other ingredient is a proper alignment with the energy fields of the planet upon which you dwell and the holistic or cosmic distortions or streamings which enter the planetary aura in such a manner that an appropriate ratio of shapes and placement within these shapes is of indicated aid in the untangling or balancing process.

To go through the various crystals to be used would be exhaustive to this instrument, although you may ask us if you wish in another session. The delicacy, shall we say, of the choosing of the crystal is very critical and, in truth, a crystalline structure such as a diamond or ruby can be used by a purified channel who is filled with the love/light of One in almost any application.

This, of course, takes initiation, and there have never been many to persevere to the extent of progressing through the various distortion leavings which initiation causes.

May we further inform you in any fairly brief way upon this or another subject?

Questioner: The disc-shaped craft we call UFOs have… some have been said to come… possibly from the planet Venus. Would any of these be your craft?

Ra: I am Ra. We have used crystals for many purposes. The craft of which you speak have not been used by us in your space/time present memory complex. However, we have used crystals and the bell shape in the past of your illusion.

Questioner: In that case I will ask only one more question and that will be having to do with the sword and the scepter. It would seem that the sword would be the power of the negative adept indicating control over other-selves and the scepter would indicate the power of the positive adept with unity in mind, body, and spirit. However, they seem to be in opposite hands than I would have guessed. Would Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. These symbols are astrological in origin. The shapes, therefore, may be released from their stricture.

We may note that there is an overriding spiritual environment and protection for the environment of the mind. We may further note that the negatively polarized adept will attempt to fashion that covenant for its own use whereas the positively polarized entity may hold forth that which is exemplified by the astrological sword; that is, light and truth.

Questioner: I would just state that this card, being male, would indicate that as experience is gained the mind becomes the motivator or that which reaches or “does” more than the simple experiencer prior to the catalytic action. That is, there is a greater tendency for the mind to direct the mind/body/spirit complex, and other than that I would just ask if there is anything that we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. In the context of your penultimate query we would suggest that you ponder again the shape of the garment which the image wears. Such habiliment* is not natural. The shape is significant and is so along the lines of your query.

The support group cares well for the instrument. We would ask that care be taken as the instrument has been offered the gift of a distortion towards extreme cold by the fifth-density friend which greets you.

Although you may be less than pleased with the accoutrements, may we say that all was as carefully prepared as each was able. More than that none can do. Therefore, we thank each for the careful alignments. All is well.

We leave you, my friends, in the love and in the light of the One Glorious Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One. Adonai.

Questioner: Thank you. When you spoke in the last session of “energizing shocks” coming from the top of the pyramid, did you mean that these came at intervals rather than steadily?

Ra: I am Ra. These energizing shocks come at discrete intervals but come very, very close together in a properly functioning pyramid shape. In one whose dimensions have gone awry the energy will not be released with regularity or in quanta, as you may perhaps better understand our meaning.

Questioner: I was wondering if, in that some of the Wanderers from Ra going to the other major galaxies, that is, leaving this system of 200 plus billion stars of lenticular shape and going to another cluster of billions of stars and finding their way to some planetary situation there, would any of these Wanderers encounter the dual polarity that we have here, the both the service-to-self and the service-to-others polarity?

Ra: I am Ra. This is correct.

Questioner: Do you mean that if I drew a line through two opposite corners of the pyramid at the base and aimed that at magnetic north— that would be precisely 45° out of the orientation of one side aimed at magnetic north— it would work just as well? Is that what you are saying?

Ra: I am Ra. It would work much better than if the pyramid shape were quite unaligned. It would not work quite as efficiently as the aforementioned configuration.

Questioner: Then the pure crystalline shape, such as the diamond, you mentioned as being frozen light— it seems that this third-density physical manifestation of light is somehow a window or focusing mechanism for the third distortion in the general sense. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. This is basically correct. However, it may be noted that only the will of the crystallized entity may cause interdimensional light to flow through this material. The more regularized the entity, and the more regularized the crystal, the more profound the effect.

Questioner: The third card also shows the wand, I am assuming it is, in the right hand; the ball at the top being the round magical shape. Am I in any way correct in guessing that Catalyst of the Mind suggests possible eventual use of the magic depicted by this wand?

Ra: I am Ra. The wand is astrological in its origin and as an image may be released from its stricture. The sphere of spiritual power is an indication indeed that each opportunity is pregnant with the most extravagant magical possibilities for the far-seeing adept.

Questioner: Then the third spiral radiating from the top of the pyramid you say is used for energizing. Can you tell me what you mean by “energizing?”

Ra: I am Ra. The third spiral is extremely full of the positive effects of directed prana and that which is placed over such a shape will receive shocks energizing the electro-magnetic fields. This can be most stimulating in third-density applications of mental and bodily configurations. However, if allowed to be in place over-long such shocks may traumatize the entity.

Questioner: What is a balancing pyramid?

Ra: I am Ra. Imagine, if you will, the many force fields of the Earth in their geometrically precise web. Energies stream into the Earth planes, as you would call them, from magnetically determined points. Due to growing thought-form distortions in understanding of the Law of One, the planet itself was seen to have the potential for imbalance. The balancing pyramidal structures were charged with crystals which drew the appropriate balance from the energy forces streaming into the various geometrical centers of electromagnetic energy which surround and shape the planetary sphere.

Questioner: Would this travel be the instantaneous type having to do with the— not the slingshot effect, but the effect used primarily by sixth-density entities, or is it the sling-shot effect that you are talking about?

Ra: I am Ra. The former effect is that of which we speak. You may note that as one learns the, shall we say, understandings or disciplines of the personality each of these configurations of prana is available to the entity without the aid of this shape. One may view the pyramid at Giza as metaphysical training wheels.

Questioner: In Card Four [in the] last session we spoke of the shape of the skirt and it has occurred to us that the skirt of the entity representing the archetype of Experience is extended to the left to indicate that other-selves would not be able to get close to this entity if it had chosen the left-hand path. There would be a greater separation between it and other-selves, whereas if it had chosen the right-hand path there would be much less of a separation. Would Ra comment on that observation?

Ra: I am Ra. The student is perceptive.

Questioner: I would just ask if there’s anything we can do to help the instrument and make her more comfortable or improve the contact, and what would be the soonest Ra would recommend the next contact? And we would certainly— I would certainly appreciate the return of the golden hawk. It gave me great comfort.

Ra: I am Ra. You have complete freedom to schedule workings.

We suggest the nature of all manifestation to be illusory and functional only insofar as the entity turns from shape and shadow to the One.

I am Ra. We leave you, my friends, in the love and the glorious light of the One Infinite Creator. Go forth, then, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite Creator. Adonai.

Questioner: Will you expand on the positive and negative magnetic polarizations in general and how it applies to, say, individuals and planets, etc.? I think there is a correlation here, but I’m not sure.

Ra: I am Ra. It is correct that there is a correlation between the energy field of an entity of your nature and planetary bodies, for all material is constructed by means of the dynamic tension of the magnetic field. The lines of force in both cases may be seen to be much like the interweaving spirals of the braided hair. Thus positive and negative wind and interweave forming geometric relationships in the energy fields of both persons, as you would call a mind/body/spirit complex, and planets.

The negative pole is the south pole or the lower pole. The north or upper pole is positive. The crisscrossings of these spiraling energies form primary, secondary, and tertiary energy centers. You are familiar with the primary energy centers of the physical, mental, and spiritual body complex. Secondary points of the crisscrossing of positive and negative center orientation revolve about several of your centers. The yellow-ray center may be seen to have secondary energy centers in elbow, in knee, and in the subtle bodies at a slight spacing from the physical vehicle at points describing diamonds about the entity’s navel area surrounding the body.

One may examine each of the energy centers for such secondary centers. Some of your peoples work with these energy centers, and you call this acupuncture. However, it is to be noted that there are most often anomalies in the placement of the energy centers so that the scientific precision of this practice is brought into question. Like most scientific attempts at precision, it fails to take into account the unique qualities of each creation.

The most important concept to grasp about the energy field is that the lower or negative pole will draw the universal energy into itself from the cosmos. Therefrom it will move upward to be met and reacted to by the positive spiraling energy moving downward from within. The measure of an entity’s level of ray activity is the locus wherein the south pole outer energy has been met by the inner spiraling positive energy.

As an entity grows more polarized this locus will move upwards. This phenomenon has been called by your peoples the kundalini*. However, it may better be thought of as the meeting place of cosmic and inner, shall we say, vibratory understanding. To attempt to raise the locus of this meeting without realizing the metaphysical principles of magnetism upon which this depends is to invite great imbalance.

Questioner: Now I am trying to understand what happens in this process. I’ll call the first semi-spiral zero position and the other three spirals one, two, and three; the first spiral being study and healing. What change takes place in light from the zero position into the first spiral that makes that first spiral available for healing and study?

Ra: I am Ra. The prana scooped in by the pyramid shape gains coherence of energetic direction. The term “upward spiraling light” is an indication, not of your up and down concept, but an indication of the concept of that which reaches towards the source of love and light.

Thus all light or prana is upward spiraling but its direction, as you understand this term, is unregimented and not useful for work.

Questioner: The magical shape is on the right edge of the card indicating to me that the spiritual significance is on the right edge of the card, indicating to me that the spiritual experience would be the right-hand path. Could Ra comment on that?

Ra: I am Ra. Yes. The figure is expressing the nature of experience by having its attention caught by what may be termed the left-hand catalyst. Meanwhile, the power, the magic, is available upon the right-hand path.

The nature of experience is such that the attention shall be constantly given varieties of experience. Those that are presumed to be negative, or interpreted as negative, may seem in abundance. It is a great challenge to take catalyst and devise the magical, positive experience. That which is magical in the negative experience is much longer coming, shall we say, in the third density.

Questioner: Thank you, that explains it nicely. I apologize for asking so many stupid questions on this, but I am really functioning here with very little knowledge. I do not wish to get into subject matter of no importance. I had assumed [that] questions about the pyramid were desired by you due to the fact that some danger was involved to some who had misused the pyramid, etc.

I am trying to understand the way light works and trying to get a grasp of how everything works together, and I was hoping that questions in this area on the pyramid would help me understand the third distortion, I’ll say, which is light. Now, as I understand it, the pyramid shape acts as a funnel, in this way increasing the, I’ll say density of energy so that the individual may have a greater intensity of actually the third distortion. Is this correct?

Ra: I am Ra. In general, this is correct.

Questioner: There was a portion of the material yesterday which I will read where you say “there is a certain amount of landing taking place. Some of these landings are of your peoples; some are of the entities known to you as the group of Orion.” My first question is what did you mean by the landings are of your peoples?

Ra: I am Ra. Your peoples have, at this time/space present, the technological achievement, if you would call it that, of being able to create and fly the shape and type of craft known to you as unidentified flying objects. Unfortunately for the social memory complex vibratory rate of your peoples, these devices are not intended for the service of mankind, but for potential destructive use. This further muddles the vibratory nexus of your social memory complex, causing a situation whereby neither those oriented towards serving others nor those oriented towards serving self can gain the energy/power which opens the gates to intelligent infinity for the social memory complex. This in turn causes the harvest to be small.

Questioner: Could you give me an example of one of these meetings between a Wanderer and a social memory complex as to what the Wanderer would experience?

Ra: I am Ra. One such example of which you are familiar is that of the one known as Morris.* In this case the previous contact which other entities in this entity’s circle of friends experienced was negatively oriented. However, you will recall that the entity, Morris, was impervious to this contact and could not see, with the physical optical apparatus, this contact.

However, the inner voice alerted the one known as Morris to go by itself to another place and there an entity with the thought-form shape and appearance of the other contact appeared and gazed at this entity, thus awakening in it the desire to seek the truth of this occurrence and of the experiences of its incarnation in general.

The feeling of being awakened or activated is the goal of this type of contact. The duration and imagery used varies depending upon the subconscious expectations of the Wanderer which is experiencing this opportunity for activation.

Questioner: Is there any other comment in closing this questioning area upon the new location that Ra could make other than the comments already made on the new location or any part of it?

Ra: I am Ra. We are gratified that this query was offered to us for there has been a concentration of negative thought patterns at a distance north to 10° of north, approximately 45 of what you call yards extending therefrom to all four directions in a rectangular but irregular shape.

We ask that the garlic be strung approximately 60-70 feet beyond the far verge of this area which is approximately 57 yards from the dwelling on a bearing north to 10° off north. We suggest that the garlic be hung in the funnel so that the energies are drawn into the south small end of the funnel and traduced northward and away from the dwelling. The procedure of the hanging will be one for testing your ingenuity but there are several ways to suspend the substance and it is well to do so.

Questioner: The second question is: Paul has also received information that mentions that there were other beings aiding in the construction of the pyramids who were not fully materialized in the third density. They were materialized from the waist up to their heads but were not materialized from the waist down to their feet. Did such entities exist in the construction of the pyramids, and who were they?

Ra: I am Ra. Consider, if you will, the intelligent infinity present in the absorption of livingness and beingness as it becomes codified into intelligent energy, due to the thought impressions of those assisting the living stone into a new shape of beingness. The release and use of intelligent infinity for a brief period begins to absorb all the consecutive or interlocking dimensions, thus offering brief glimpses of those projecting to the material their thought. These beings thus beginning to materialize but not remaining visible. These beings were the thought-form or third-density-visible manifestation of our social memory complex as we offered contact from our intelligent infinity to the intelligent infinity of the stone.

Questioner: [You] previously gave us some information about what we should do in balancing. Is there any information that we can publish now about any particular exercises or methods of balancing [these] centers?

Ra: I am Ra. The exercises given for publication seen in comparison with the material now given are in total a good beginning. It is important to allow each seeker to enlighten itself rather than for any messenger to attempt in language to teach/learn for the entity, thus being teach/learner and learn/teacher. This is not in balance with your third density. We learn from you. We teach to you. Thus, we teach/learn. If we learned for you, this would cause imbalance in the direction of the distortion of free will. There are other items of information allowable. However, you have not yet reached these items in your lines of questioning and it is our belief/feeling complex that the questioner shall shape this material in such a way that your mind/body/spirit complexes shall have entry to it, thus we answer your queries as they arise in your mind complex.

Questioner: Does the shape of the pyramid itself— is that a key function in the initiation process?

Ra: This is a large question. We feel that we shall begin and ask you to re-evaluate and ask further at a later session, this somewhat, shall we say, informative point.

To begin. There are two main functions of the pyramid in relation to the initiatory procedures. One has to do with the body. Before the body can be initiated, the mind must be initiated. This is the point at which most adepts of your present cycle find their mind/body/spirit complexes distorted from. When the character and personality that is the true identity of the mind has been discovered, the body then must be known in each and every way. Thus, the various functions of the body need understanding and control with detachment. The first use of the pyramid, then, is the going down into the pyramid for purposes of deprivation of sensory input so that the body may, in a sense, be dead and another life begin.

We advise, at this time, any necessary questions and a fairly rapid ending of this session. Have you any query at this time/space?

Questioner: Then can you tell me how [the] galaxy and this planetary system were formed?

Ra: I am Ra. You must imagine a great leap of thought in this query, for at the last query the physical, as you call, it, universes were not yet born.

The energies moved in increasingly intelligent patterns until the individualization of various energies emanating from the creative principle of intelligent infinity became such as to be co-Creators. Thus the so-called physical matter began. The concept of light is instrumental in grasping this great leap of thought as this vibrational distortion of infinity is the building block of that which is known as matter, the light being intelligent and full of energy, thus being the first distortion of intelligent infinity which was called by the creative principle.

This light of love was made to have in its occurrences of being certain characteristics, among them the infinite whole paradoxically described by the straight line, as you would call it. This paradox is responsible for the shape of the various physical illusion entities you call solar systems, galaxies, and planets, all revolving and tending towards the lenticular.

Questioner: In the previous session you stated that “the other type of experience is the fourth, fifth, and sixth densities of other galaxies and some within your own galaxy which have learned necessary disciplines of personality to view the universe as one being, and therefore are able to proceed from locus to locus by thought alone, materializing the necessary craft.” I would like to ask you when you say that “fourth, fifth, and sixth densities of other galaxies, and some within your own galaxy,” are you stating here that more of the entities in other galaxies have developed the abilities of personality than have in this galaxy for this type of, shall I say, travel? (I am using the term galaxy with respect to the lenticular shape of 250 billion stars.)

Ra: I am Ra. We have once again used a meaning for this term, galaxy, that does not lie within your vocabulary at this time, if you will call it so. We referred to your star system.

It is incorrect to assume that other star systems are more able to manipulate the dimensions than your own. It is merely that there are many other systems besides your own.

Questioner: I am assuming that you mean one full question, and I’ll make that question: I’d like to know the significance of the shape of the crux ansata, and if that’s too much of an answer I will just ask if there is anything we can do to make the instrument more comfortable or improve the contact?

Ra: I am Ra. There are mathematical ratios within this image which may yield informative insights to one fond of riddles. We shall not untangle the riddle. We may indicate that the crux ansata is a part of the concept complexes of the archetypical mind, the circle indicating the magic of the spirit, the cross indicating that nature of manifestation which may only be valued by the losing. Thus the crux ansata is intended to be seen as an image of the eternal in and through manifestation and beyond manifestation through the sacrifice and transformation of that which is manifest.

The support group functions well. The swirling waters experienced by the instrument since our previous working have substantially aided the instrument in its lessening of the distortion of pain.

All is well. The alignments are well guarded.

We leave you, my friends, in the love and the light of the Infinite One. Go forth, therefore, rejoicing in the power and in the peace of the One Infinite and Glorious Creator. Adonai.

Questioner: Can you make any suggestions about the instrument’s feet or how they got in the bad shape they are in, and would alternating the shoes help?

Ra: I am Ra. The distortion referred to above; that is, the complex of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and lupus erythematosus acts in such a way as to cause various portions of the body complex to become distorted in the way in which the instrument’s pedal appendages are now distorted.

We may suggest care in resumption of the exercise but determination as well. The alternation of footwear shall prove efficacious. The undergarment for the feet which you call the anklet should be of a softer and finer material than is now being used and should, if possible, conform more to the outline of those appendages upon which it is placed. This should provide a more efficient aid to the cushioning of these appendages.

We may further suggest that the same immersion in the waters which is helpful to the general distortion is, in general, helpful to this specific distortion as well. However, the injury which has been sustained in the metatarsal region of the right pedal appendage should further be treated for some period of your space/time by the prudent application of the ice to the arch of the right foot for brief periods followed always by immersion in the warm water.

Questioner: How were the blocks moved?

Ra: I am Ra. You must picture the activity within all that is created. The energy is, though finite, quite large compared to the understanding/distortion of your peoples. This is an obvious point well known to your peoples, but little considered.

This energy is intelligent. It is hierarchical. Much as your mind/body/spirit complex dwells within an hierarchy of vehicles and retains, therefore, the shell, or shape, or field, and the intelligence of each ascendingly intelligent or balanced body, so does each atom of such a material as rock. When one can speak to that intelligence, the finite energy of the physical, or chemical, rock/body is put into contact with that infinite power which is resident in the more well-tuned bodies, be they human or rock.

With this connection made, a request may be given. The intelligence of infinite rock-ness communicates to its physical vehicle and that splitting and moving which is desired is then carried out through the displacement of the energy field of rock-ness from finity to a dimension which we may conveniently call, simply, infinity.

In this way, that which is required is accomplished due to the cooperation of the infinite understanding of the Creator indwelling in the living rock. This is, of course, the mechanism by which many things are accomplished which are not subject to your present means of physical analysis of action at a distance.

Questioner: Well, we had yesterday arrived at a point where we were considering colors of light. [You] said that “the nature of the vibratory patterns of your universe is dependent upon the configurations placed on the original material or light by the focus of Love using Its intelligent energy to create a certain pattern of… of illusions or densities.” Then after this material you said that there’s further information which you’d be happy to share, but we ran out of time. Could you complete the further information on that?

Ra: I am Ra. In discussing this information we then, shall we say, snap back into the particular methods of understanding or seeing that which is that the one, sound vibration complex, Dewey, offers; this being correct for the second meaning of intelligent infinity: the potential which then through catalyst forms the kinetic.

This information is a natural progression of inspection of the kinetic shape of your environment. You may understand each color or ray as being, as we had said, a very specific and accurate apportion* of intelligent energy’s representation of intelligent infinity, each ray having been previously inspected in other regards.

This information may be of aid here. We speak now nonspecifically to increase the depth of your conceptualization of the nature of what is. The universe in which you live is recapitulation in each part of intelligent infinity. Thus you will see the same patterns repeated in physical and metaphysical* areas; the rays or apportions of light being, as you surmise, those areas of what you may call the physical illusion which rotate, vibrate, or are of a nature that may be, shall we say, counted or categorized in rotation manner in space/time as described by the one known as Dewey; some substances having various of the rays in a physical manifestation visible to the eye, this being apparent in the nature of your crystallized minerals which you count as precious, the ruby being red and so forth.

Questioner: From last session, I would like to continue with a few questions about the fact that in fourth density red, orange, and green energies will be activated; yellow, blue, etc., being in potentiation. Right now, you say we have green energies activated. They have been activated for the last 45 years. I am wondering about the transition through this period so that the green is totally activated and the yellow is in potentiation. What will we lose as the yellow goes from activation into potentiation, and what will we gain as the green comes into total activation, and what is that process?

Ra: I am Ra. It is misleading to speak of gains and losses when dealing with the subject of the cycle’s ending and the green-ray cycle beginning upon your sphere. It is to be kept in the forefront of the faculties of intelligence that there is one creation in which there is no loss. There are progressive cycles for experiential use by entities. We may now address your query.

As the green-ray cycle or the density of love and understanding begins to take shape the yellow-ray plane or Earth which you now enjoy in your dance will cease to be inhabited for some period of your space/time as the space/time necessary for fourth-density entities to learn their ability to shield their density from that of third is learned. After this period there will come a time when third density may again cycle on the yellow-ray sphere.

Meanwhile there is another sphere, congruent to a great extent with yellow ray, forming. This fourth-density sphere coexists with first, second, and third. It is of a denser nature due to the rotational core atomic aspects of its material. We have discussed this subject with you.

The fourth-density entities which incarnate at this space/time are fourth density in the view of experience but are incarnating in less dense vehicles due to desire to experience and aid in the birth of fourth density upon this plane.

You may note that fourth-density entities have a great abundance of compassion.

Questioner: Possibly I didn’t phrase that the way I meant to, which was: we already have determined the items that should be removed from the first four cards. The question was: have I missed anything that should be removed which were not of Ra’s original intention in the last few sessions of determining what should be removed?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall repeat our opinion that there are several concepts which, in each image, are astrologically based. However, these concepts are not without merit within the concept complex intended by Ra, given the perception by the student of these concepts in an appropriate manner.

We wish not to form that which may be considered by any mind/body/spirit complex to be a complete and infallible series of images. There is a substantial point to be made in this regard. We have been, with the questioner’s aid, investigating the concept complexes of the great architecture of the archetypical mind. To more clearly grasp the nature, the process, and the purpose of archetypes, Ra provided a series of concept complexes. In no way whatsoever should we, as humble messengers of the One Infinite Creator, wish to place before the consideration of any mind/body/spirit complex which seeks its evolution the palest tint of the idea that these images are anything but a resource for working in the area of the development of the faith and the will.

To put this into perspective we must gaze then at the stunning mystery of the One Infinite Creator. The archetypical mind does not resolve any paradox or bring all into unity. This is not the property of any resource which is of the third density. Therefore, may we ask the student to look up from inward working and behold the glory, the might, the majesty, the mystery, and the peace of oneness. Let no consideration of bird or beast, darkness or light, shape or shadow keep any which seeks from the central consideration of unity.

We are not messengers of the complex. We bring the message of unity. In this perspective only may we affirm the value to the seeker of adepthood of the grasping, articulating, and use of this resource of the deep mind exemplified by the concept complexes of the archetypes.

Questioner: I see. Then at this time you did not contact them. Can you tell me the same— answer the same questions I just asked with respect to your next attempt to contact the Egyptians?

Ra: I am Ra. The next attempt was prolonged. It occurred over a period of time. The nexus, or center, of our efforts was a decision upon our parts that there was a sufficient calling to attempt to walk among your peoples as brothers.

We laid this plan before the Council of Saturn, offering ourselves as service-oriented Wanderers of the type which land directly upon the inner planes without incarnative processes. Thus we emerged, or materialized, in physical-chemical complexes representing as closely as possible our natures, this effort being to appear as brothers and spend a limited amount of time as teachers of the Law of One, for there was an ever-stronger interest in the sun body, and this vibrates in concordance with our particular distortions.

We discovered that for each word we could utter, there were thirty impressions we gave by our very being, which confused those entities we had come to serve. After a short period we removed ourselves from these entities and spent much time attempting to understand how best to serve those to whom we had offered ourselves in love/light.

The ones who were in contact with that geographical entity, which you know of as Atlantis, had conceived of the potentials for healing by use of the pyramid-shape entities. In considering this and making adjustments for the differences in the distortion complexes of the two geographical cultures, as you would call them, we went before the Council again, offering this plan to the Council as an aid to the healing and the longevity of those in the area you know of as Egypt. In this way we hoped to facilitate the learning process as well as offering philosophy articulating the Law of One. Again the Council approved.

Approximately eleven thousand [11,000] of your years ago we entered, by thought-form, your— we correct this instrument. We sometimes have difficulty due to low vitality. Approximately eight five zero zero [8,500] years ago, having considered these concepts carefully, we returned, never having left in thought, to the thought-form areas of your vibrational planetary complex and considered for some of your years, as you measure time, how to appropriately build these structures.

The first, the Great Pyramid, was formed approximately six thousand [6,000] of your years ago. Then, in sequence, after this performing by thought of the building or architecture of the Great Pyramid using the more, shall we say, local or earthly material rather than thought-form material to build other pyramidical structures. This continued for approximately fifteen hundred [1,500] of your years.

Meanwhile, the information concerning initiation and healing by crystal was being given. The one known as “Akhenaten” was able to perceive this information without significant distortion and for a time, moved, shall we say, heaven and earth in order to invoke the Law of One and to order the priesthood of these structures in accordance with the distortions of initiation and true compassionate healing. This was not to be long-lasting.

At this entity’s physical dissolution from your third-density physical plane, as we have said before, our teachings became quickly perverted, our structures returning once again to the use of the so-called “royal” or those with distortions towards power.

Questioner: We have decided to accept, if offered, the honor/duty of learning/teaching the healing process. I would ask as to the first step which we should accomplish in becoming effective healers.

Ra: I am Ra. We shall begin with the first of the three teachings/learnings.

We begin with the mental learn/teachings necessary for contact with intelligent infinity. The prerequisite of mental work is the ability to retain silence of self at a steady state when required by the self. The mind must be opened like a door. The key is silence.

Within the door lies an hierarchical construction you may liken unto geography and in some ways geometry, for the hierarchy is quite regular, bearing inner relationships.

To begin to master the concept of mental discipline it is necessary to examine the self. The polarity of your dimension must be internalized. Where you find patience within your mind you must consciously find the corresponding impatience and vice versa. Each thought that a being has, has in its turn an antithesis. The disciplines of the mind involve, first of all, identifying both those things of which you approve and those things of which you disapprove within yourself, and then balancing each and every positive and negative charge with its equal. The mind contains all things. Therefore, you must discover this completeness within yourself.

The second mental discipline is acceptance of the completeness within your consciousness. It is not for a being of polarity in the physical consciousness to pick and choose among attributes, thus building the roles that cause blockages and confusions in the already-distorted mind complex. Each acceptance smoothes part of the many distortions that the faculty you call judgment engenders.

The third discipline of the mind is a repetition of the first but with the gaze outward towards the fellow entities that it meets. In each entity there exists completeness. Thus, the ability to understand each balance is necessary. When you view patience, you are responsible for mirroring in your mental understanding, patience/impatience. When you view impatience, it is necessary for your mental configuration of understanding to be impatience/patience. We use this as a simple example. Most configurations of mind have many facets, and understanding of either self polarities, or what you would call other-self polarities, can and must be understood as subtle work.

The next step is the acceptance of the other-self polarities, which mirrors the second step.

These are the first four steps of learning mental discipline. The fifth step involves observing the geographical and geometrical relationships and ratios of the mind, the other mind, the mass mind, and the infinite mind.

The second area of learn/teaching is the study/understanding of the body complexes. It is necessary to know your body well. This is a matter of using the mind to examine how the feelings, the biases, what you would call the emotions, affect various portions of the body complex. It shall be necessary to both understand the bodily polarities and to accept them, repeating in a chemical/physical manifestation the work you have done upon the mind bethinking the consciousness.

The body is a creature of the mind’s creation. It has its biases. The biological bias must be first completely understood and then the opposite bias allowed to find full expression in understanding. Again, the process of acceptance of the body as a balanced, as well as polarized, individual may then be accomplished.

It is then the task to extend this understanding to the bodies of the other-selves whom you will meet. The simplest example of this is the understanding that each biological male is female; each biological female is male. This is a simple example. However, in almost every case wherein you are attempting the understanding of the body of self or other-self, you will again find that the most subtle discernment is necessary in order to fully grasp the polarity complexes involved.

At this time we would suggest closing the description until the next time of work so that we may devote time to the third area commensurate with its importance.

We can answer a query if it is a short one before we leave this instrument.

Questioner: Now, you mentioned the problems with the action in the King’s Chamber of the Giza-type pyramid. I am assuming if we used the same geometrical configuration that is used at the pyramid at Giza this would be perfectly all right for the pyramid placed beneath the head since we wouldn’t be using the King’s Chamber radiations but only the third spiral from the top, and I’m also asking would it be better to use a 60° apex angle than the larger apex angle? Would it provide a better energy source?

Ra: I am Ra. For energy through the apex angle the Giza pyramid offers an excellent model. Simply be sure the pyramid is so small that there is no entity small enough to crawl inside it.

Questioner: What would be the optimum geometrical arrangement of censer, chalice, and candle with respect to Bible and table and the positions we now have them in?

Ra: I am Ra. Both chalice and candle occupy the optimal configuration with respect to the book most closely aligned with the Law of One in the distortion complexes of this instrument. It is optimal to have the censer to the rear of this book and centered at the spine of its open configuration.

Questioner: How many years ago in the past did you use the bell-shaped craft to come here?

Ra: I am Ra. We visited your peoples eighteen thousand [18,000] of your years ago and did not land; again, eleven thousand [11,000] years ago.

Questioner: The photographs of the bell-shaped craft and reports of contact from Venus [exist from] less than thirty years ago. Do you have any knowledge of these reports?

Ra: I am Ra. We have knowledge of Oneness with these forays of your time/space present. We are no longer of Venus. However, there are thought-forms created among your peoples from our time of walking among you. The memory and thought-forms created therefrom are a part of your society-memory complex. This mass consciousness, as you may call it, creates the experience once more for those who request such experience. The present Venus population is no longer sixth-density.

Questioner: What did they see, and how did this affect their attitudes?

Ra: I am Ra. They saw what you would speak of as crystal-powered bell-shaped craft.

This did not affect them due to their firm conviction that many wondrous things occurred as a normal part of a world, as you would call it, in which many, many deities had powerful control over supernatural events.

Questioner: Why is a vehicle necessary for this transition? When you, as Ra, went to Egypt earlier you used bell-shaped craft, but you did this by thought. Can you tell me why you used a vehicle rather than just materializing the body?

Ra: I am Ra. The vehicle or craft is that thought-form upon which our concentration may function as motivator. We would not choose to use our mind/body/spirit complexes as the focus for such a working.

Questioner: I understand your limitations in answering that. Thank you.

Could you tell me how, in first density, wind and fire teach earth and water?

Ra: I am Ra. You may see the air and fire* of that which is chaos as literally illuminating and forming the formless, for earth and water were, in the timeless state, unformed. As the active principles of fire and air blow and burn incandescently about that which nurtures that which is to come, the water learns to become sea, lake, and river offering the opportunity for viable life. The earth learns to be shaped, thus offering the opportunity for viable life.

Questioner: Would a position directly between the chalice and the candle be optimum, then, for the censer?

Ra: I am Ra. This is not an exact measurement since both chalice and candle are irregularly shaped. However, speaking roughly, this is correct.

Questioner: And as to the thing that she wears on her head, that, I believe, is a bit confusing. What should it be shaped like?

Ra: I am Ra. We shall allow the student to ponder this point. We note that although it is an astrologically based addition to the concept complex it is not entirely unacceptable when viewed with a certain feeling. Therefore, we suggest, O student, that you choose whether to remove the crown or to name its meaning in such a way as to enhance the concept complex.

Questioner: In order to make this funnel of garlic cloves, would a wire framework such as chicken wire which has a small inch-square mesh or something like that shaped into a cone with the garlic attached to it all around it, and with the small end toward the house and the open end away from it, strung between two poles. Would that be appropriate or must the wind blow it more than that?

Ra: I am Ra. That is appropriate. You see in this case the center of the negativity is as described, but there will be a general cleansing of the dwelling and its acreage by this means. One action you might take in order to improve the efficacy of the cleansing of the environment is the walking of the perimeter with the opened clove in hand, swinging the clove. No words need be said unless each wishes to silently or verbally speak those words given for garlic previously.

Questioner: I know of people who have been recently trained in meditation, who after a very short period of intense meditation, a couple of days or so, are able to cause the action at a distance effect on metal, bending it. It’s my understanding that they are wearing a pyramid-shaped wire on their heads while doing this. I was invited to one of the meditation sessions a couple of years ago but I couldn’t get there. Could you comment on this process, and if they are accomplishing anything of value or not?

Ra: I am Ra. No. Please ask one more full query at this working.

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The original Law of One books are copyright ©1982, 1984, 1998 L/L Research. The Ra Contact books are copyright ©2018 L/L Research and Tobey Wheelock.
This site copyright ©2003–2024 Tobey Wheelock.

Questions? Comments? Email me: tw at law of one dot info.

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